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Pepe Sanchez

Name : Jose Ignacio Sanchez Puente

Birth date: 07.06.1985

Birthplace: Bariloche, Argentina.

Resides: Andorra

Height: 167 cm

Weight: 65 kg

How long you've been riding: since 1999

Year got sponsored: 2001

Stance: goofie

Other Sponsors: none

Music: the good one.

Heroes: Andrew Raynolds

Favorite movies: 14 km, star wars, panico y locura en las vegas, ebrio de mujeres y pintura. 

Favorite word: high...

Favorite food: pasta.

Favorite video game: the computer....

Favorite Snow mag: Surfer Rule

Favorite trick: ollie

Favorite up and comer (or am): glass of milk

Top 3 activities besides Snow: painting, traveling and skateboarding.

Video appearances: happy riding, Equinoccio, Estres?, Nimbus, From Now On...

Top 5 competition achievements: no competitions...

Top 5 media achievements: Surfer Rule, Squaters...

 Magazine Interview, Surfer rule.

Snowboarding influences: Pablo Revitis, MAriano Gibert, MArcos Green, Mati Radaelli..

Top 3 Non-Snowboarding Influences: bob marley, salvador dali, my brothers...

Inspirations: life's beauty

Favorite article of clothing: t-shirt

Best thing about Snowboarding: the art, friendship and the mountain.

Worst thing about snowboarding: Injuries, obsession.

Best place to ride: powder

Worst place to go: war

Words of wisdom: barro y fuego (mood and fire)

Thank you to… my family and friends, Suray Fernandez, Hugo Morales, Antxon Epelde, Enrric Bonvehi (GV), Guille Gonzalez, Jesus A. Fernandez, Bruno Osorio, BQP, Claudio "Matraka" Rotta, Julian Lauci, Rodrigo Guzman, Miguel Ortiz, Xavi Garriga, Rodrigo Amadeo, Jano de Janover, Jordi Baronat, Mariano Alonso and many more....